“Good governance is essential to realize your mission, to be authentic and to focus.”

  • Good governance praktijken, memorandum en rapporten
  • Bestuurder, voorzitter & audit-comité
  • Strategisch plannen vanuit wetgeving, markt of autonoom
  • Partnerships, Gemeenschappelijke diensten of uitbesteding
  • Duurzame financiering
  • Secretaris generaal
  • Hoofd Compliance officer
  • Hoofd bedrijfsjuridische dienst

  • Good governance rules, memorandum and reporting
  • Member of the Board, chairman & audit committee
  • Strategic planning following legislation changes, market or incremental driven
  • Partnerships, shared services structuring or outsourcing
  • Sustainable financing
  • Corporate Secretary
  • Head Compliance Officer
  • Head Legal Counsel